Site rules

1. Parties to the agreement. The contract is concluded between the Internet service for the exchange of title units, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, on the one hand, and the Customer, represented by the one who used the services of the Contractor, on the other hand. 2. List of terms. 2.1. Title unit exchange is an automated Internet service product provided by the Contractor on the basis of these rules. 2.2. Customer - an individual who agrees with the terms of the Contractor and this agreement, to which he joins. 2.3. The title character is a conventional unit of a particular payment systеm, which corresponds to the calculations of electronic systems and indicates the scope of rights corresponding to the agreement between the electronic payment systеm and its Customer. 2.4. Application - information transmitted by the Customer for the use of the Contractor's funds in electronic form and indicating that he accepts the terms of use of the service offered by the Contractor in this application. 3. Terms of agreement. These rules are considered to be organized due to the terms of the public offer, which is formed at the time the Customer submits an application and is one of the main components of this agreement. A public offer is the information displayed by the contractor about the conditions for submitting an application. The main components of the public offer are the actions taken at the end of the application by the Customer and talking about his exact intentions to make a deal on the terms proposed by the Contractor before completing this application. The time, date, and parameters of the application are created by the Contractor automatically at the time of completion of the formation of this application. The offer must be accepted by the Customer within 24 hours from the end of the formation of the application. The Service Agreement shall enter into force upon receipt of the title units in the full amount specified in the application from the Customer to the details of the Contractor. Operations with title units are accounted for in accordance with the rules, regulations and format of electronic settlement systems. The contract is valid for a period, which is established from the moment of filing an application until termination at the initiative of one of the parties. The Customer is obliged to carefully read all the clauses of this Agreement and additional documents. Using the services of the Contractor, the Customer confirms his understanding and agreement with them. In case of non-acceptance of the conditions, the use of the Contractor's services is impossible. 4. Subject of agreement. By using technical methods, the Contractor undertakes to carry out the exchange of title units for a commission from the Customer, after the submission of an application by this person and does this by selling title units to persons wishing to purchase them for an amount indicated not lower than in the application submitted by the Customer. The Contractor undertakes to transfer funds to the details specified by the Customer. In the event of a profit during the exchange, it remains on the Contractor's account as an additional benefit and a premium for commission services. 5. In addition. 5.1. If the Contractor's account receives an amount that differs from that specified in the application, the Contractor makes a recalculation that corresponds to the actual receipt of title units. If this amount exceeds the amount specified in the application by more than 10%, the Contractor terminates the contract unilaterally and all funds are returned to the details of the Customer, taking into account the amount deducted for commission costs during the transfer. The Customer is obliged to replenish the Contractor's account in a timely manner to process the application. In this case, the Customer is responsible for delays on the part of the bank or payment service providers. 5.2.In the event that the title units are not sent by the Contractor to the Customer's specified details within 24 hours, the Customer has the full right to demand termination of the agreement and cancel their application, thereby returning the title units to their own in accordance with the Refund policy posted on the Contractor's website. An application for termination of the agreement and return of title units is carried out by the Contractor in the event that the funds have not yet been transferred to the specified details of the Customer. In case of cancellation of the contract, the return of the electronic currency is made within 24 hours from the receipt of the request to terminate the contract. If delays in the return occurred through no fault of the Contractor, he is not responsible for them. 5.3. If the title units are not received from the Customer to the account of the Contractor within the specified period, from the moment the application is submitted by the Customer, the agreement between the parties is terminated by the Contractor on the one hand, since the contract does not enter into force. The customer may not be notified about this. If the title units arrive at the details of the Contractor after the specified period, then such funds are transferred back to the Customer's account, and all commission costs associated with the transfer are deducted from these funds. 5.4. If there is a delay in the transfer of funds to the details specified by the Customer, due to the fault of the settlement systеm, the Contractor shall not be liable for damage resulting from the long receipt of funds. In this case, the Customer must agree that all claims will be made against the settlement systеm, and the Contractor shall provide its assistance to the best of its ability within the law. 5.5. In the event that a fake of communication flows is detected or an impact is exerted in order to worsen the work of the Contractor, namely its program code, the application is suspended, and the transferred funds are subject to recalculation in accordance with the current agreement. If the Customer does not agree with the recalculation, he has the full right to terminate the contract and the title units will be sent to the details specified by the Customer. 5.6. In the case of using the services of the Contractor, the Customer fully agrees that the Contractor bears limited liability in accordance with the scope of these rules for the received title units and does not give additional guarantees to the Customer, and also does not bear additional responsibility to him. Accordingly, the Customer does not bear additional responsibility to the Contractor. 5.7. The Customer undertakes to comply with the norms corresponding to the law, as well as not to fake communication flows and not create obstacles for the normal operation of the Contractor's program code. 5.8. The Contractor shall not be liable for damages and consequences in the event of an erroneous transfer of electronic currency in the event that the Customer indicated incorrect details when submitting an application. 5.9. When forming an application, the Customer must ensure the correctness of the data. The Contractor is not responsible for the transfer of funds to persons with incorrect details. The payment is considered valid even if there are errors. 5.10 The Customer is obliged to ensure the security of his account by following the recommendations for managing passwords. The password should be changed periodically and should not be used on other platforms. 5.11 In case of receiving a request to provide personal data or an account password from third parties, the Customer is obliged to contact the Contractor's support chat in a timely manner. 5.12. The Customer is obliged to provide a correct password reset email address. Suspecting the use of the address by third parties, the Customer must notify the Contractor's support service. 5.13. The Customer must opt out of browser or computer features that store personal data or passwords to avoid unauthorized access. 6. Warranty period Within 24 hours from the moment of execution of the exchange of title units, the Contractor provides a guarantee for the services provided, unless otherwise specified. 7. Unforeseen circumstances. In the event that unforeseen circumstances arise during the processing of the Customer's application that contribute to the Contractor's failure to fulfill the terms of the contract, the deadlines for fulfilling the application are postponed for the corresponding period of force majeure. The Contractor is not liable for overdue obligations. The Contractor and affiliates are released from liability for failure to perform services due to circumstances beyond their control. 8. Agreement form. Both parties, represented by the Contractor and the Customer, accept this agreement as an agreement of equal legal force, indicated in writing. 9. List of prohibited countries and territories. We regret to inform you that citizens of certain countries cannot use our services. This is due to legal restrictions that our service is required to comply with. The above countries and territories inсlude: Abkhazia, Afghanistan, Belarus, Burma (Myanmar), Burundi, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Guyana, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Côte d'Ivoire, Crimea, Laos, Liberia, Lebanon, Libya, Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, Papua New Guinea, Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, Russia, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Sierra Leone, So-called. self-proclaimed republics "DNR" "LNR" - (temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine), Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Uganda, Central African Republic, South Ossetia, South Sudan, Zimbabwe, Yemen. We apologize if these restrictions have caused you any inconvenience. 10. Claims and disputes. Claims under this agreement are accepted by the Contractor in the form of an e-mail, in which the Customer indicates the essence of the claim. This letter is sent to the details of the Contractor specified on the website. 10. Carrying out exchange operations. 11.1. It is strictly forbidden to use the services of the Contractor for illegal transfers and fraudulent activities. When concluding this agreement, the Customer undertakes to comply with these requirements and, in case of fraud, bear criminal liability established by law at the moment. 11.2. If it is impossible to complete the application automatically, due to circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor, such as lack of communication, lack of funds, or erroneous data of the Customer, the funds are credited to the account within the next 24 hours or returned to the details of the Customer minus commission costs. 11.3. At the first request, the Contractor has the right to transfer information about the transfer of electronic currency to law enforcement agencies, the administration of settlement systems, as well as victims of illegal actions affected by fraud proven by the judicial authorities. 11.4. The customer undertakes to provide all documents proving his identity in case of suspicion of fraud and money laundering. 11.5. The Customer undertakes not to interfere with the work of the Contractor and not damage its software and hardware, and the Customer undertakes to transfer accurate information to ensure that the Contractor fulfills all the terms of the contract. 11.6. In order to make a p2p operation using our service, you need to follow the following rules: 

  • Sеlect the exchange direction you are interested in and click on the link.
  • In the form that opens, fill in all the fields. In case of non-compliance with this condition, the service reserves the right to refuse the exchange and return the money paid by the user, minus all commissions for operations. Be sure to enter valid information in all fields. The e-mail address specified in the application must be up-to-date and available for receiving and sending letters.
  • When filling, pay attention to the line Total. In it you can see the amount that must be paid, taking into account all commissions.
  • After clicking on the button Exchange, you will see your request for an exchange. If at this stage you notice an inaccuracy in the details or the amount, return to the previous page and make the necessary adjustments to the details of the exchange request.
  • Please note that the application is fixed at the current rate and is also executed at it, if the payment was received within 20 minutes after the creation. The application is canceled if payment does not arrive at the specified time. In case of payment after this period, the service reserves the right to complete the application at a new rate, which is agreed upon at the time of the client's request to restore the application, or return the funds to the sender minus the payment systеm fees. In the case of payment of cryptocurrency by the client within the scheduled time, the time of payment is the payment, and not the arrival of the 1st confirmation.
  • Check your email. There you will see a letter with the details of your application and the secret key of the operation.
  • After that, depending on the direction of the exchange, you will either be redirected to the merchant of the payment systеm for payment for automatic and semi-automatic exchanges, or you will receive details to which you need to pay for manual exchange directions.
  • After receiving the payment, you will receive the currency requested for the exchange. It usually takes from 2 to 30 minutes during business hours. In rare cases, the exchange may take up to 24 hours due to some technical issue.
  • Upon completion of the exchange, you will receive an email with a report on the exchange operation.

11.7. Cryptocurrency exchange operations are carried out in accordance with the regulations prescribed in the article Network confirmations and minimum deposits. 11.8. Transfers in the Bitcoin systеm can be in the "Unconfirmed transaction" state for a long time. Most often this happens due to the fact that one of the operations does not take a long time. According to the rules of the Bitcoin network, such a problematic transfer is attached to another block and then follows the standard procedure. If this does not happen, then within 1-7 days the funds are returned to the sender. Our exchange service, unfortunately, cannot affect the speed of processing such transfers. If such a payment is delayed for a long time, then after it is credited or returned to the sender, the situation with the application will be resolved by completing it or canceling it with the return of all monetary obligations of each of the parties. 11.9. Any exchange transactions may be suspended for additional checks by the Security Service of both our service and Banks with Payment Systems. The systematic creation of unpaid requests is regarded as a malicious action towards the service. Access to the services of the service may be restricted or prohibited. 11.10. In case of failure to perform additional verification procedures, the funds will be returned to the sender minus possible bank fees. Payments through Terminals / Cashiers / IVR-menu are strictly not accepted and will be rejected. 11.11. If necessary, the Customer undertakes to provide any clarifying information that the Contractor considers necessary for the performance of operations. 11.12. The service has the right to request verification of any user and his payment data. The administration has the right to request for verification any documents confirming the identity, as well as a photo with a document in hand. IMPORTANT! We're nowhere we do not publish our invoices to accept funds from clients! Exchange is conducted only through the site! Do not fall for the tricks of scammers. 11.13 The service prohibits exchanges to accounts of 3 persons. We are not responsible for the actions of these persons after receiving funds from our exchange service. Conduct transactions only with wallets and accounts to which you have full access. 11.14 The Customer may make payment using refund mechanisms. You can use this opportunity only in cases of non-fulfillment of obligations by the Contractor, or in connection with the use of the Customer's payment instrument by third parties (if there is direct evidence). 12. Disclaimer. 12.1 The Contractor has the right to refuse to conclude a contract and fulfill an application, moreover, without giving reasons. This paragraph applies to any client. 12.2 The Contractor does not provide physical checks and receipts upon request. 12.3 The Contractor is not responsible for the use of its services for business or commercial purposes. 12.4 The Contractor is not responsible for losses caused by technological attacks or malware. 12.5 The Contractor is not responsible for the content or costs associated with websites to which there are links on its official website. 12.6 The Contractor has the right to deduct commission from the Customer's orders under certain conditions. With a lack of funds, the Contractor may refuse the transaction. If you have any questions at any stage of interaction with our service - please contact our operator in the online help chat. He will answer all questions and provide assistance regarding our service. Service hours: Around the clock. Thanks for reading the rules!